Our treatments are customized based on what you share at intake; be sure to tell us what you are hoping to get out of your session. Some of the techniques we have in our toolbox include:

Massage helps to maintain a nurturing relationship with your body. With classic Swedish strokes we reduce stress, treat general aches and pains, and help you recover from strenuous workouts. Massage can also help you repair injuries like tendonitis or whiplash.
Structural Integration
Structural Integration and Rolf Movement (SI) provide a chance to methodically explore where the relationship of body and self might be stuck. SI addresses patterns of strain and imbalance through the connective tissue of the body, seeking lift where there is drag and adaptability over fixation. If you have chronic pain or discomfort, this series-based inquiry may give you better insight into how to care for yourself as a physical being in the pull of Earth’s gravity.

Somatic Experiencing
Somatic Experiencing (SE) is a process of listening to our physiological cues and honoring the organic intelligence of the body. Some chronic tension and pain won’t respond to simple tissue manipulation. By attending to the nervous system, SE can offer relief for physical and emotional trauma, subtle and explicit wounds. It is both a standalone and complementary technique, offering healing on its own or blended with other forms of bodywork.