Bevin Keely
Licensed Massage Therapist
Board Certified Structural Integrator
Somatic Experiencing Practitioner
NPI 1346330404
WA License #: MA00006264
Feel better in your body.
Bevin has been practicing bodywork in Seattle since 1993. She uses deep Swedish massage, Somatic Experiencing®, and Ida P. Rolf's Structural Integration series to help her clients with everything from simple stress to complex patterns of chronic pain. She continues to be humbled by the human body and all it has to teach us about the miracle of being.
Jennifer Keller
Licensed Massage Therapist
Craniosacral Therapist
Certified Manual Lymphatic Drainage Therapist
NPI 1730705708
WA License #: MA61050095
Fostering change from within.
Jennifer has practiced energy work since 2004 and bodywork since 2020. Her approach is one of deep presence rather than deep pressure. She uses Craniosacral Therapy, Myofascial Facilitation, gentle Swedish massage and Manual Lymphatic Drainage to help clients engage with and amplify their innate healing capabilities. She is honored to serve as a non-judgmental guide and witness to the remarkable unfoldings that occur.
To book with Jennifer and read more about her philosophy of care, please go HERE.