20 Years!

This month marks my 20th anniversary in practice!

I have been in the historic Maud Building the entire time, first just in the little room I now use as my office, and then expanding into what is now the treatment room in 1997.

I spent some time this weekend creating the invitation to a celebration I’ll be having on September 13, as you see above. I went back to hand-drawing, something I used to do a whole lot and have not done much of in recent years. If you are a client and I have your address, you will get one of these in the mail in the next few weeks.

I also scanned in old mailers and ads for a slideshow I’ll be playing at the party– what a trip down memory lane! These relics document my progress from an extremely earnest 22-year-old just trying to get a foothold in her chosen trade, through years of learning and into the somewhat more world-weary “Sorry I’m so booked” phase (that one goes on and on, lucky me), and from totally low-tech hand-drawn ads to computer-designed mailers featuring pictures of my kid.

I have always felt that it was important to put my self into my advertising and promotional materials, since what I have to offer necessarily comes through my being. Every mailer has been an opportunity to reflect on what I do and why, where I am going, and how I plan to get there.

Although my original intention was to use a massage license to get myself a college education, what I actually did was use it to get myself a higher education, one which has helped me be the person I want to be in the world and that has given me a sense of contributing to the greater good. My work keeps me humble while it nourishes my soul, it demands that I stay right with myself so that I can be present with others, and there will never be an end to learning as long as I am willing. That’s some good stuff– Thank you for allowing me to do it!

Here’s to at least 20 more years of growing, discovering, deepening, and enjoying my work. All my best, Bevin