Screening Questions in the time of COVID-19

Update, August 2023
When you get your reminder email and texts in the days before your appointment, please let us know if there is any question about exposure or your own good health. We will disclose any exposures or illnesses we are managing in a timely manner as well. Our policy is to make sure everyone has the information they need to make the right decision for themselves and their families in this dynamic time.

In 2020, 2021, and much of 2022, this was true:
The day before your scheduled session we will reach out with these screening questions.

Please tell me, have you recently had
-a fever of 100+
-any difficulty breathing
-new cough
-sustained loss of smell, taste, or appetite
-sore throat
-vomiting or diarrhea
-aching throughout the body
-unexplained fatigue
-been in close contact with anyone who has had these symptoms or has been diagnosed with COVID-19?
-have you, or has anyone in your household, traveled or been in any large crowds in the past 14 days?
-have you seen any new marks, rashes, spots, bumps or other lesions on your skin?
-have you been diagnosed with and recovered from COVID-19?
-are you able to exercise and get your heart rate up without any problem?