Healing Resources – Who else to see

Everybody needs help. As a quick reference to the people and places we go to get ourselves taken care of, or have heard great things about from trusted sources, we offer you this list. We are so grateful to have these excellent practitioners to turn to, and always interested to hear who you go to…

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The Rolf Pelvic Lift

The Rolf Pelvic Lift is a classic piece of self-care. I often recommend this for people, usually with more emphasis on allowing the weight of the body to pour through the feet into the table and a lot more cues about letting your butt kind of go along for the ride, but if we have…

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Healing work in the time of COVID-19

I am, at present, working my way through a major overhaul of my practice space, policies, and procedures, with COVID-19 as my muse. As I write this I am not really sure when I will be allowed to return to “non-essential” practice, but I am sure that it will be before we have really brought…

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Stack Your Bones

I just found this little gem, an embodiment/movement practice in app and book form put together by fellow Guild graduate Ruthie Fraser. I have downloaded the app and am itching to explore! http://www.stackyourbones.com

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Self-massage for foot mobility

I just did this nice little self-care ritual of Mary Bond’s. I spend a lot of time in my bare or socked feet at work, but as she points out, that flat surface isn’t particularly interesting to my feet, and just threading my fingers through the toes as she suggests was a revelation. This past…

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What is fascia?

One of the common questions I get about my work is “What is the difference between massage and Structural Integration?” The primary difference is intention and the systems we are working with: massage therapy is great for stress reduction and getting the blood and lymphatic systems moving, Structural Integration is aiming more for engaging long-term…

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S.I. Client Handbook, circa 1997

This PDF is the Client Handbook I wrote while completing basic training at the Guild for Structural Integration. It’s very thorough in its explanation of the process, and very earnest in tone. The file had to be broken into two pieces because it was BIG: Client Handbook Part 1 Client Handbook Part 2 Enjoy!

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Rolf Movement® Videos

Here’s a video of Caryn McHose doing Hubert Godard’s “Flight of the Eagle” exercise– which looks like regular yoga, but takes on a lot more meaning when you receive some Rolf Movement® work. John Barton in Dallas, TX has made quite a few videos demonstrating the Movement work, which he calls Rolfing® Functional Movement. Check…

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